Life Flow Recovery


If you feel stuck in addiction, depression, a dead-end job or relationship, you may be asking, "how can I breakthrough?" Life Flow is an integrative philosophy grounded in cutting edge science and ancient wisdom to help you activate change and experience Flow in life.

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Ready for change? Let's Flow!

Explore courses, groups, and FREE resources to support your sobriety and mental wellness

Online Courses

Invest in your transformation with step-by-step guides to release old habits and create wellbeing.


Join our growing group of like-minded people with a shared experience of overcoming mental health problems and addictive behaviors


Visit our list of free learning resources including downloads and a guide to our favorite experts.

Meet the Founder

Freedom and Fulfillment After a Decade of Darkenss

One morning, I made a decision I made many times before--to get sober. This time it stuck. Why? I did a lot of things differently. Life Flow Recovery brings those answers to you that worked for me after ten years of addiction and mental illness.

My Decade of Darkness brought 33 psych hospitalizations, 20+ relapses, homelessness, five days of solitary confinement in jail, family distress, brushes with suicide, and pain most wouldn't understand--but people like us do.

Years later, life's changed. Sobriety took me from facing eviction to homeowner ownership. From pennilessness to consistent promotions at work. From no future to a social work degree.

Best of all, sobriety took me from loneliness and despair to a loving family life and connection with other. After a decade of darkness I am happy, secure, and fulfilled. My hope is that the tools on this site can help you discover breakthrough to see where sobriety takes you.

Always forward!


Devon A. Fitzpatrick

Our Team

Justin Hogan

JD Krenk

Angie Fitzpatrick

Destiny Olson


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